The Foundation’s mission is to change and build the world in respect for the people, animals and climate. Contemporary agriculture has ceased to be the one that we used to know. It has become an industry, which does affect the quality of life and health of the people, contributes to climatic changes and objectification of animals. What happens is concentration of food production, the scale industrial agriculture is growing and the number of small, family farms is declining.
Care about health and high product quality has been replaced by the profit and loss account, and the fight for as low production costs as possible. Industrial agriculture changes the climate, makes people lose the right to live in a clean environment. After all, the right to live in a clean, safe, friendly environment, is a human right. What environment we are living in, what air we are breathing, how safe is the water we use – all this determines the quality of our lives. We have the right to be informed about what we eat, which products we use. We have the right to be informed about whether the available products are healthy and safe for us and our loved ones. We have the right to make informed choices!
In a store, restaurant, hotel, our rights – the right to information, to choose services and products – must be heard and respected. We have the right to this, because we want to live a healthy and safe life, because we want to protect our loved ones.
The law must follow our needs, social changes, must effectively protect us. We believe that business may be and often is socially responsible, that there are entrepreneurs who care for human rights, protect the natural environment, those who are not indifferent to the fate of animals.
The obligation of the state is to support business that operates responsibly and hold those who harm our health and the natural environment accountable. Can we expect this from the state?
Yes! For this reason, we have created Green REV Institute. Because we want everyone to be able to live in a safe place, be able to have a healthy and safe diet.
The first volume of Green REV Institute’s “Safe Food” magazine is now available! It’s a magazine for everyone who seeks reliable information about the impact of food on health, the environment and the economy – from scientists and experts, to representatives of the food sector, to informed consumers, consumers and policy makers shaping food policy. We believe that Safe Food means Safe Poland and the safety of millions of Poles.
A sense of responsibility for, solidarity with and thinking about future generations must be written into the DNA of every school. When we say ‘Plant Based School’, we think about the right to plant-based meals, about healthy and climate and environmentally safe food, about ending the culture of food waste. We need good education about climate, environment and animal rights. Plant Based School is also about its environment – the community, community organisations, local business and local government. Everyone needs to move to the green side of power!
Green Advocacy Academy is a unique educational project that engages and prepares young people to advocate for climate and food system transition action.
We teach, we mobilise by showing that it is time for a critical mass of individuals, initiatives, organisations that will change the system through advocacy. We show how the food system and modern agriculture are destroying the climate, biodiversity, human life and health and animal rights. Experts from around the world, activists, policy advisors, scientists, NGO leaders support the Green Advocacy Academy so that GAA participants receive a dose of food system transition knowledge, advocacy skills and effective action. We know that green advocacy skills will provide a youth voice in the public debate.
The very first event of its kind in Europe. Place where activists, politicians, business people and academics meet on one stage.
We believe it is high time to start connecting the dots between the world of human rights, environmental rights and animal rights. It is impossible to create a modern nation and develop competitive economies without changing the food system. Only an economy without animal exploitation can provide the answer to the challenges brought by climate catastrophe.
Financed By The National Institute Of Freedom Center For Civil Society Development As Part Of The Government Programme For Civil Initiatives Fund NEWCIF For 2021-2030.
Working for sustainable food systems and the right to healthy, just food.
What drives Warsaw, the vegan capital?
creators of Apollo, Youmiko Vegan Sushi,
Lokal Vegan Bistro and Słuszna Strawa talk
about dreams and changing the world.
Who is creating the vegan food market in Poland?
Discover the story and motivations of
Listny Cud, It’s Bean, Yoush,
Polsoja, Well Well and
Fight for access to plant-based meals in schools.
Planet, health, activism,
science, the future of the next generations,
wildlife, biodiversity.
Future Food 4 Climate is a coalition of civil society, informal groups, foundations, associations, collectives that engage in advocacy and watchdog work for food system transition.
We include organizations, groups, and experts whose voices are not being heard enough in the climate debate. Together we face the climate crisis, the decline of biodiversity, the destruction of oceans and seas, the threat to food security, and the exploitation of animals by the animal industry. The current model of food production and agriculture is a key driver of the climate crisis, exacerbates social inequalities, and involves enormous suffering. That’s why FF4C is taking action, targeting decision makers, politicians, the European Commission, the European Parliament, national MPs. We need to fix the world through systemic action. The European Green Deal Going Local is a postulate that we want to implement in all our actions through cooperation, broad participation, dialogue and collaboration with organizations from all over Poland for a green, just transition of the food system.
READ MOREGreen REV Institute is created by people who believe that the quality of life depends on the quality of and observance of human rights, animal rights and absolute respect for the natural environment.
We believe that changing the world requires an ethical, fair-to-all animals transformation of the food and agriculture system. We act in a systemic way by leading advocacy efforts to support human and animals rights.
Are you an expert, are you an activist, do you share our values, do you want to be involved in our actions?
Do you believe that the rights of people, the natural environment, animal rights are more important than money? Do you think that it is time for greater responsibility of the state, time for promotion and support for responsible business and punishing those who undervalue the common good, the future of the planet, animal rights?
Join Green REV! Help us end the era of industrial agriculture. Support actions to ensure that people can start to live and eat healthily and start to respect and protect animals! We have a lot to do and every pair of hands is important for us!
Do you think that it is time for sustainable policy? Do you think that food cannot be just a product?
Do you think that we have the right to information about what we buy and what we eat? That we have the right to security? That it is the highest time for industrial agriculture to cease to create damages, degrade the landscape of the country and deepen the climate crisis? Do you think that it is time to ensure that animal rights are noticed and commonly respected? Do you think that rural inhabitants have the right to live in a clean environment, to live in their homes as any other citizen of the European Union? Support Green REV! Help us end the era of industrial agriculture. We have a lot to do and every, even the smallest payment is important for us! Support us, and we will make sure that each payment will be well invested in the protection of human rights, protection of the environment and animal rights!